Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Sky and th Earth

If I were the rain
That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch
Could I join two hearts as well?

Somethings are easy to be expressed, otherwise the other things are extremely difficult even to share with. I feel like to be the rain, that can joining sky and earth that has d extreme gap between them. On my view, i see rain as a profound 'letter' from sky that tears to send his MESSAGE towards his unreached beloved earth.

Joining the two unreached is achievement. Sky is a lonely shape of nature, while earth is cheerful one. When Earth is fulfilled with 'people gathering' ; 'cute green field' ; 'eye-shocking mountain' ; 'massive forestry that give livin for animel'. Sky is just a 'lonely' that will only see 'CLOUD' that blurred his eye towards d beauty of EARTH and d 'flying bird' that unconsistently fly back and sit in d beauty of earth.
Earth and Sky often work together in that great distance. Earth give d land for farming, Sky give it's waters for irrigating.but Earth is somewhat joyful, when farmers success in d harvest, they will hail to the Earth; When they Fail, they mock at d sky. Due to that circumstances, sky is somehow feel ashamed at himself and feel earth become more distant to reach. But still, to meet the Earth and to free himself from VOID is what sky wants.

Come to the 'crucial momento' sky is MISSING earth so hard that sometimes he 'storm' a lot in his void. He aware that "the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside 'er , but knowing that u can't have 'er ". d sky stopped his 'over-storm' and call d WIND for mediation.
Wind come to the SKY and they talked about earth and sky relation. Wind is a handy creature that can fly up to the sky and fly down to d earth. But, a diabloical words hampered sky's ear after he known d phrase said bu the wind that 'when sky fall to the earth, APOCALYPSE happen.... (wind is not wrong, it's theoretical).
That's actually what happen between d sky and d Earth, they are aside but unjoined. Whan can d sky doing by now, is just keeping send his RAIN as a message towards th EARTH and wait for d 'time' for sky to meet d earth. Sky believe that there will be no apocalypse after their joining. what will happen will be d NEW WORLD of joining SKY and EARTH....

p.s : thx WIND, but sky do believe that apocalypse will never happen because sky has no bad intention to the EARTH, farmers, and everybody.... it's just sky's disire to stick close with the EARTH....

it's about, to be HERE....THERE and EVERYWHERE....(beside the EARTH)

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